Ingenium Infrastructure’s recruitment policy is designed to attract the right talent at the right time, to enhance the net worth of human capital and to obtain the best possible person-to-job, which will contribute to company’s efficacy.

The company’s recruitment policy aims at:
Being fair and reliable
Being non-discriminatory on the ground of sex, race, age, religion or disability.


Ingenium Infratructure offers an excellent training opportunity (internship program) for a maximum of six weeks to pre final year engineering and final year management students from selected campuses across the country. The relationship teams carefully select the summer interns and each summer intern is given a challenging live project to work on during the period of their internship.

Each trainee/intern has to present his research work report/presentation on completion of their project to concerned department. The executives of department evaluate the task of each trainee/intern and then recommend Pre Placement Offers (PPO) to the selected students based on their performance.

HR keeps a close contact with these candidates till the time they finally join the company.


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